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Y staff wedi mwynhau ag elwa o sesiwn ‘Therapi Chwarae Pili Pala’ efo Eleri bore ‘ma. Syniadau gwerthchweil sy’n cefnogi plant gydag anhawsterau emosiynol, cymdeithasol neu ymddygiadol. Mae meddwlgarwch yn hanfodol i ddatblygu iechyd meddwl positif. DIOLCH Eleri- ARDDERCHOG wir!

The staff enjoyed and benefited from the ‘Pili Pala Play Therapy’ session with Eleri this morning. Fantastic ideas to support children with emotional, social or behavioural difficulties. Mindfulness is crucial to develop positive mental health. THANK YOU ELERI- Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Ysgol Gymraeg Y Trallwng

Thank you for really helping my son with his confidence.


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